Alpine farms of the Pordenone Province

The Alpine farms of this area are grouped into two different geographic contexts: the Cansiglio-Cavallo hogback that marks the border between Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the valley floors of Friulian Dolomites. The former is characterized by water shortage, since that is a rainy but karstic territory, while the latter has pebbly soils which were formed by the alluvial deposits of torrents. In the pastures of the hogback you can often find the edelweiss, despite the low altitude.

Fossa di Sarone

The buildings of this Alpine farm are surrounded by the beech wood that takes on a rich variety of colours toward the end of the Alpine grazing season. In the Pre-Alpine farms the grazing season often extends to early November. The Fossa di Sarone farm lies at the feet of the Collat, a ... 

Fossa de Bena

The Alpine farm is located inside a doline, a karstic depression called "fossa" in the local dialect. Under the new facilities the remains of the old buildings can still be discerned. The natural or man-made water pool is called "lama". The entire district is marked by these small hollows with ... 

Costa Cervera

The Alpine farm is located in a small hollow at the feet of the Col Scarpat and also includes the pastures of the Bos and Busa Bravin farms, whose long abandoned facilities are no longer recognizable. The stony pastures characterize the farm, as does the juniper, a plant usually avoided by animals ... 

Pian Mazzega

The dairy hut, also known as "Paronuzzi" is the most important alpine farm of the Cansiglio-Cavallo hogback. Located near the Piancavallo tourist resort, this farm is the only old high-altitude production units on the plateau that is still in operation. 

Pian Piagnon

The Pordenone shelter acts as a foothold to climb to the Campanile di Val Montanaia, a 300-m-high Dolomite pinnacle of a spectacular and wild beauty. The wonderful obelisk is part of the project "Meraviglia italiana" (Italian wonder). 


The holiday farm is located in an old building that has kept its old look and is surrounded by sunny hills and by beech woods.